The bright sunny summer days fade on the gunpowder, the scorching humidity of the afternoon reduces. One can again draw a full breath of the crisp cool river air. The mist and purity within the air seems to flow throughout my veins to every tip of my body. Filling every crevice of my lungs with that familiar sting of chilled freshness. The senses become heightened this time of year. What seemed like numerous smells of wonder from the forest hindered by the heat and humidity of summer, seem to appear more and more recognisable and frequent every day. Standing along the boulders of the bank, one can smell the rivers tide. The teeming life within it, one can almost smell the trout that lure you to step forward. To wade, to immerse yourself within the emerald pools to match your skill against that of their own. The air becomes different this time of year. It fades, no longer carrying the fire blazing breeze as if from the gates of hell itself. But it engulfs the fog floating along the waters surface, the song of the birds flying in the air. It's embedded with the colors of the changing trees, and it twirls around you dancing with your soul, mind and spirit. This is my kingdom, the gunpowder river in all its fall glory. Before the forest colors fade through this season right when all the colors of leaves are in collaboration, is definitely when the river reveals most of it's life. You can hear the silence and serenity this time of year. Almost hear every leaf break way from it's branch. One's anticipation grows for those days standing within the river's forests kissed by leaves on the surface of the skin, like snowflakes descending from heaven itself. The crisp, cool sensations fill the body with cold chills upon the skin. The anticipation for boots, jeans, hats, gloves and that old reliable fly jacket begin. The seasons are complete for it has returned to my favorite time of year. Fall is just around the bend I know, I can't wait for it to be here.
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